
Esther Varsano

Los Siete Ijus Di Hana (Ladino Lyrics)
Siete ijos tiene Hana
Hana, la buena Djudiya
Los mando a yamar el Re
A todos siete en un diya.

Ven aki, ijos de Hana
Hana, la buena Djudiya
Te dare la mi korona
Asentate en la mi siya

Yo no kero tu korona
Ni me asento en la su siya
Yo no piedro mi Ley Santa
No entro en la falsiya.

Hannah’s Seven Sons (English Lyrics)
Hannah has seven sons,
Hannah, the good Jewess,
The King calls for them,
All seven in a day.

Come here, sons of Hannah,
Hannah, the good Jewess,
I’ll give you my crown,
And you’ll sit on my throne.

I don’t want your crown,
Nor do I want to sit on your throne,
I will not forget my Holy Law,
I don’t believe in falsehood.

La Doncella Guerrera (Spanish Lyrics)

En Sevilla a un sevillano siete hijas le dió Dios
todas siete fueron hembras y ninguno fué varón.
A la más chiquita de ellas le llevó la inclinación
de ir a servir a la guerra vestidita de varón.
Al montar en el caballo, la espada se le cayó
por decir ¡maldita sea¡, dijo -Maldita sea yo.
El rey que lo estaba oyendo, de amores se cautivó:
-Madre, los ojos de Marcos, son de hembra, no de varón.
-Convídala tú, hijo mío, a los ríos a nadar
que si ella fuese hembra, no se querá desnudar.
Toditos los caballeros se empiezan a desnudar
y el caballero don Marcos se ha retirado a llorar.
-¿Porqué llora usted don Marcos?.- ¿Porqué debo de llorar?
Por un falso testimonio que me quieren levantar.
-No llores alma querida, no llores mi corazón,
que eso que tú tanto sientes, eso lo deseo yo.

The Warrior Maiden (English Lyrics)

In Sevilla, God bestowed onto a Sevillan seven daughters
all seven were female and none were male.
The youngest of them was inclined
to go serve in the war dressed as a male.
When riding her horse, her sword fell,
instead of “damn it!” she said “damn me!”
the king who was listening, captivated; fell in love:
– Mother, Marco’s eyes are the eyes of a woman, not a man.
– Invite her, my son, to swim in the rivers
if she is a woman, she will not want to undress.
All of the knights began to undress
and the knight Sir Marcos has gone off to cry.
– Why are you crying, Sir Marcos?
– Why do I cry? for attempting to bear false witness against me.
– Don’t cry my beloved, don’t cry my love,
that which you feel deeply, I desire it for myself.


Lyrics translation courtesy of


My father, Mordecai Varsano, spoke Ladino and would sing this song with me as a child, usually after the Passover Seder meal.

Ladino Lyrics 

Quien supiense y entendiense, Alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo es el uno? Qualo es el uno?

Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los dos? Qualo son los dos?

Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los tres? Qualo son los tres?

Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los quatro? Qualo son los quatro?

Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los cinco? Qualo son los cinco?

Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los sesh? Qualo son los sesh?

Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los siete? Qualo son los siete?

Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los ocho? Qualo son los ocho?

Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los mueve? Qualo son los mueve?

Mueve mezes de la prenyada, Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los diez? Qualo son los diez?

Diez comandamientos de la lei, Mueve mezes de la prenyada, Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los once? Qualo son los once?

Once estrellas de sueno de Yossef, Diez comandamientos de la lei, Mueve mezes de la prenyada, Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los doce? Qualo son los doce?

Doce trivos de Yisrael, Once estrellas de sueno de Yossef, Diez comandamientos de la lei, Mueve mezes de la prenyada, Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

Quien supiense y entendiense, alavar al Dyo criense, Qualo son los treize? Qualo son los treize?

Trece anyos de complas minyan, Doce trivos de Yisrael, Once estrellas de sueno de Yossef, Diez comandamientos de la lei, Mueve mezes de la prenyada, Ocho dias de brit mila, Siete dias de la semana, Sesh dias sin Shabat, Cinco livros de la lei, Quatro madres de Yisrael, Tres muestros padres son, Dos Moshe y Aaron, Uno es el Creador, Uno es el Creador, baruch Hu uvaruch sh’mo

English Lyrics

Who knows one? I know one. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows two? I know two. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows three? I know three. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows four? I know four. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows five? I know five. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows six? I know six. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows seven? I know seven. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth

Who knows eight? I know eight. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows nine? I know nine. Nine are the months of childbirth. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows ten? I know ten. Ten are the Words from Sinai. Nine are the months of childbirth. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows eleven? I know eleven. Eleven are the stars [in Joseph’s Dream]. Ten are the Words from Sinai. Nine are the months of childbirth. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows twelve? I know twelve. Twelve are the tribes. Eleven are the stars [in Joseph’s Dream]. Ten are the Words from Sinai. Nine are the months of childbirth. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Who knows thirteen? I know thirteen. Thirteen are the attributes of God. Twelve are the tribes. Eleven are the stars. Ten are the Words from Sinai. Nine are the months of childbirth. Eight are the days for circumcision. Seven are the days of the week. Six are the orders of the Mishnah. Five are the books of the Torah. Four are the matriarchs. Three are the patriarchs. Two are the tablets of the covenant. One is our God in Heaven and Earth.

Lyrics Courtesy of

Note from Jewish Music Research Centre about Variations from Sephardic and Eastern Jewish communities

“Ehad mi yodea” began to appear in non-Ashkenazi haggadot only during the nineteenth century. While the Ashkenazi version of the text printed in the haggadah has remained constant, a few folk, parody, Hassidic, and satirical versions in Yiddish and in Russian appeared in the Eastern European communities. The non-Ashkenazi versions, on the other hand, were much more subject to change in their lyrical content. The Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) version, for example, has a few variations.

Shimon Sharvit (2012) pointed out a few variants found in different Sephardic communities. The primary differences between each version, besides melody, is the symbolic attribute of each number as well as the actual amount of numbers. The latter fluctuates between ten in Southern France and fourteen in one version from Majorca.

The Thessaloniki version in Ladino, for example, includes a unique introductory segment “God in Heavens, He will send us to Jerusalem in a large caravan. Who knows One? One is the Creator. Blessed be His name.” Also the attributes of the numbers are different in this version in comparison to the standard Hebrew/Aramaic text, as follows: two are Moses and Aaron (rather that the tablets of the covenant), four are the matriarchs of Israel (rather than just “the matriarchs”), six are the days of the week without the Sabbath (rather that the orders of the Mishnah), seven are the days of the week including the Sabbath (rather than plainly “the days of the week”), eight are the days of the huppah (the wedding celebrations, instead of the days from the birth to the circumcision), eleven are the brothers (sons of Jacob) without Joseph (instead of the stars), twelve are the brothers with Joseph (instead of the twelve tribes), and thirteen are the brothers (sons of Jacob) with Dinah (instead of the measures of mercy). In the attached recording [Example 1], one can hear the Thessaloniki version, which is preceded by explanatory remarks by JMRC scholar and international expert on the Ladino song, Dr. Susana Weich-Shahak.



Ladino Lyrics

1. Chanukah linda sta aki,
ocho kandelas para mi (2x)

O — Una kandelika, dos kandelikas,
tres kandelikas, kuatro kandelikas sintyu
kandelikas, sej kandelikas,
siete kandelikas, ocho kandelas para mi

2. Muchas fiestas vo fazer,
kon alegriyas y plazer (2x)


3. Los pastelikos vo kumer,
kon almendrikas y la myel (2x)


English Lyrics


1. Beautiful Chanukah is now here
And eight candles for me appear.

Oh – one little, two little,
Three little, four little candles;
Five, six, seven little candles,
Eight little candles for me.

2. Lots of parties for my leisure
So much fun and so much pleasure.


3. Dainty pastries for me to eat
With almonds and honey so sweet.


Lyrics Courtesy of