Judea Until 70 CE
The Varsano Family is Jewish and has its origins in the Land of Israel. “Ancient Israelites originated roughly in the territory of modern Israel, also known as the ancient Levant or ancient Canaan, sometime before 1000 BCE. These people were united by a sense of shared ancestry, myth, ritual and history. Ancient Israelites believed that they were descendants of three people: Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob. Jacob himself is renamed “Israel” in the Bible, which suggests that Israelites had a shared memory of a name change as part of their history,” according to Mika Ahuvia, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies & Comparative Religion at the University of Washington.
The story of Exodus that is recited during the Passover Seder every year is a drought in Canaan forced the Israelites to seek greener pastures in Egypt, but the Pharoh eventually enslaved the Israelites. God imposed the plagues on the Egyptians and they were freed from slavery. Moses led a harrowing journey through the desert but ultimately made it to the “Promised Land” of Israel. The Israelites remained in this land for many years where they enjoyed a so called “Golden Age.”
King David and King Solomon ruled from 1010 – 931 BCE. During this period, the city of Jerusalem was founded and King Solomon constructed the first great Temple in 957 BCE. Ancient Israelite society was divided between 12 tribes, but it is unknown which tribe the predecessors to the Varsano family belonged to. In 722 BCE, the 10 tribes of northern Israel were conquered by the ancient Assyrian Empire, and only the tribes of the south, in the tiny kingdom of Judea, remained as their own self-ruling political units.
In the sixth century BCE, the Empire of Babylonia conquered the tiny kingdom of Judea. Professor Ahuvia explains “This conquest could have ended Jewish history, because when the Babylonians conquered ancient peoples, they not only destroyed buildings and plundered wealth, but they exiled the people who were most responsible for creating and maintaining the local culture. So, in 586 and 587 BCE, some (mostly elite) Jews were exiled to Babylonia. Some Jews also fled to Egypt. This time could be considered the beginning of the Jewish diaspora, a term that comes from the word “dispersion,” meaning the spreading out of Jews across the Middle East, and eventually, the world.”
After a mere 70 years of rule, in 539 BCE, the Babylonians were conquered by the Persian Empire. The Persians had a much more permissive policy regarding conquered peoples, they believed that the best way to ensure peace was to restore people to their homelands and help them to live according to their ancestral laws, even giving them money to rebuild their temples. The Persian Emperor Cyrus allowed Israelites to return to the province of Judea. From then on, we find the Israelites called Judeans , and subsequently Jews. During Cyrus the King of Kings era, the Torah was written down for the first time, which was previously passed down orally.
In 334 BCE, Alexander the Great conquered most of the civilized world including the entire Middle East. According to Professor Ahuvia “..the spread of the Hellenic (Greek) Empire throughout the region of the Middle East, accelerated Jewish habitation in other locales. Jews ended up joining Alexander the Great’s armies, serving in the armies, and traveling with him to other parts of the world…Many Jews ended up traveling as mercenaries in Alexander’s army and relocating to Alexandria in Egypt.
By the first century CE, Jews seem to have hybrid identities as Jewish and Alexandrian, Jewish and Roman, Jewish and Asian, Jewish and Syrian, Jewish and Macedonian. In 30 BCE Rome conquered Eqypt and treated its new territories much less inclusively then the Greek’s did. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, the total population of Roman Egypt was 8 million, with 6.5 million native Egyptians, 1.5 million Greek immigrants and 300,000 Jews, over half of whom lived in the city of Alexandria. Professor Avuvia states that “When the Romans conquered ancient Egypt, they restructured society. At first, the Romans wanted to deprive all the Greek immigrants of the special privileges they had had before — privileges like special access to education, the ability to participate in politics and athletic competitions, and exemptions from certain taxes. The Greeks protested, because they didn’t want to lose these special privileges. The compromise that the Romans created was that the Greeks could maintain some of these privileges, and some Jews could too, if they lived in the city of Alexandria itself. But anyone who lived in rural territory was reclassified as a foreigner and lost all of their special privileges. The Alexandrian Greeks reacted by asserting that this wasn’t fair, that actually all Jews should be classified as foreigners. At the time of the Roman conquest, there was a marked increase in anti-Jewish rhetoric.”
Throughout the first century CE, there were spontaneous attacks, mobs, and riots in the Jewish Quarter of Alexandria in Egypt. In 66 CE, a report from the Jewish historian Josephus states that 50,000 Jews were slaughtered by Greeks. But in 115 CE, matters got much worse.
Professor Avuvia continues” Only the writings of the victors were preserved, and of course they blame the Jews for rebelling, but it’s also possible that Jews of the city were attacked without any justification. From the evidence, it seems like the entire Jewish population of Egypt, both within Alexandria and in the countryside, was annihilated. Surviving tax records from ancient Egypt show that the Roman Treasury confiscated Jewish property and land. And for at least a century after this genocide, Egyptians actually celebrated a day of victory against the Jews. Anti-Jewish rhetoric was very powerful, and even after the Jews were eliminated from Egypt, later Greek and Roman writers continued to invoke suspicion of Jews. There were political, economic and cultural, religious aspects to the anti-Judaism of this time.”
In 66 CE, the Jews of Judea rose in revolt against Rome, which started the First Jewish–Roman War. The Jews seized control of Judea and named their new kingdom “Israel” The events were described by the Jewish historian Josephus, including the desperate defense of Jotapata, the siege of Jerusalem (69–70 CE), the last stand at Gamla, where 9,000 died, and Masada (72–73 CE).
The revolt was crushed by the Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus. The Romans destroyed much of the Temple in Jerusalem and took as punitive tribute the Menorah and other Temple artefacts back to Rome. Josephus writes that 1,100,000 Jews perished during the revolt, while a further 97,000 were taken captive. The Fiscus Judaicus was instituted by the Empire as part of reparations.
It was during this period that the split of early Christianity and Judaism occurred. The Pharisee movement, led by Yochanan ben Zakai, made peace with Rome and survived. Judeans continued to live in their land in significant numbers, and were allowed to practice their religion. An estimated 2/3 of the population in the Galilee and 1/3 of the coastal region were Jewish.
Many Jews left Judea and went to Rome. The predecessors of the Varsano Family may have relocated to Rome or stayed in Israel, there are no records to confirm their whereabouts during this time period. Their presence in Rome or somewhere on the Italian Peninsula is definitely possible since the origin of the family name is believed to be from the Vars region of Provence. Provence is a short journey by land from the northern Italian Peninsula and a short journey by boat from the southern region. Continue to Italy (Roman Empire).
Sanjak of Jersusalem 19th Century and British Palestine 20th Century
There was a continuous Jewish presence in Israel from biblical times until today. During the Zionist Movement of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, many Jews immigrated to Eretz Yisrael, or the Land of Israel. A few members of the Varsano Family arrived back at their ancestral homeland prior to 1948, but most of the greater Varsano Family made Aliya after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
Nisim Varsano was born April 1, 1886 in Jerusalem. His parents Izak and Lea Varsano were born in Sofia, Bulgaria and apparently died in Sofia, so Nisim’s Zionist journey is a bit of a mystery. His younger siblings Rachel, Izidor, Baruch, and Mathilda were all born in Sofia but died in Israel.
Obadiah Joseph Varsano, son of Yosef and Simha (Sachi) Varsano, was born in 1894 in Haskovo, Bulgaria. However, he died in 1942 in Tel Aviv which implies he made an Aliya in the late 19th or early 20th Century, prior to the establishment of the State of Israel.
Ovadia Jose Varsano applied for naturalization to British Palestine on August 4, 1941. He was born in Salonica on August 14, 1895. He worked as a merchant, and curiously listed his nationality as Spanish. Ovadia married Bella Rousso from Bitola, Yugoslavia (Macedonia). They made aliya with their two children: Jacob (or Yaacov) Varsano and Eliyahu Varsano. The family of three made their Aliya to Eretz Yisrael prior to the War of Independence and then resided in Tel Aviv. Read the Naturalization Papers.
Yaacov Varsano-Oved was born on February 19, 1929 in Haskovo, Bulgaria and immigrated to Birtish Palestine in 1941 with his family. Yaacov went to Echad Haam School and Gymnasia Herzliya High School and joined the Scouts youth movement. In 1946 he enlisted in the “Hagana” organization and was a member of the Palmach unit and was assigned by it to be a leader in the Scouts Movement in 1947. Yaacov Varsano would later change his name to Yaacov Oved, presumably to sound more Israeli and less Spanish. Yaacov Oved became a renowned academic and a leader in the kibbutz movement. Read more about Yaacov Varsano-Oved on his Wikipedia page.
Sami Varsano, a mechanic born in 1918 made Aliya in Haifa in 1940.
Charlotte Varsano born in 1912 made Aliya in Haifa in 1941.
Mordechai Yaakov Varsano was born on March 15, 1868 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His parents were Yaakov and Matilda Varsano. His siblings were Venezia, Yoseph, Sultana, Estjer, and Pesach. Mordechai was married to Oro (Confino) Varsano in Bulgaria. They had five children: Matilda, Rachel, Lea Liza, Jack Yaakov, and Dora. At the age of 78 years old, he became a naturalized citizen of British Palestine on September 9, 1946.
Albert Joseph Varsano was born in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 4, 1900 and his listed profession was laborer. Jouli Conforti Varsano was born in Dupnitza, Bulgaria on December 24, 1903. Albert and Jouli were married in Bulgaria, and had a boy named Joseph Varsano born in Sofia on November 14, 1932 and a girl named Emma Varsano born in Sofia on May 7, 1937. On December 9, 1946, the Varsano family of four became naturalized citizens of the British Mandate living in Tel Aviv at 76 Emek Isreel Street.
In addition to the Varsano family members above, the following persons made Aliya to British Palestine: Rachel Varsano Kario, Elie Varsano, , Rachele Varsano Confino, Elise Varsano Raphael, Klara Joseph, Jacob and Bella Varsano
Israel 20th Century to Present
Prior to the UN vote, only a few countries openly favored partition namely the US, USSR, Norway, Canada, and Guatemala. Any country with a high Arab or Moslem population was against partition including countries such as India, Yugoslavia, and Greece. The French were undecided because of the Arab influence from their North African colonies.
The General Assembly resolution vote was thirty-three for and thirteen against, constituting more than the two thirds majority necessary to pass. France, in the end, did vote in favor of partition. With the exception of Cuba and Greece, all the nations that voted against the resolution were Moslem or Asian. These same nations continue to stymie Israel’s international legitimacy to this day under the rules of the multilateral UN. Most Latin American countries voted in favor of the partition which became the deciding factor. It was widely speculated that many Western nations had a sense of guilt regarding their lack of intervention in the Holocaust and voted with that in mind. Although intent has been debated for decades, the Jewish people finally had a UN sanctioned homeland. Unfortunately, the limited power of the UN lacked the strength and resolve to make peace between all of people of the British Mandate of Palestine.
The problems of small British Manadate intensified when the UN voted to partition the country with a small portion for the Israeli Jews and the remainder for the Palestinian Arabs. After the Partition Plan became official, Britain offered little help to make a smooth transition for the UN commission. The British mostly despised the Israelis because Jewish “terrorist” groups had been harassing them for years. The Irgun Zvi Leumi, (National Military Organization) attacked British police stations, offices, and headquarters. They seized weapons and replenished their arsenals. The Irgun and later the Stern Gang—led by Avraham Stern—employed paramilitary tactics against the Arabs, which provided relief for the settlers, but also hampered the political creditability of the Jewish Agency. The British responded by making mass arrests and many Irgun fighters were driven into hiding. The Hagannah, which was a more mainstream Zionist military organization, kidnapped several of the Irgun’s members and handed them over to the British.
After the tragedy of the Holocaust, Jewish unity was strengthened as the Irgun, the Hagannah, and the Stern Group combined to fight the British who were unwilling to combat Arab terrorism against Jews—which is a support that Israelis still lack today. The Irgun in a sensational attack blew up the wing of the King David hotel in Jerusalem which housed the British Palestine Command. Warnings to the British colonists went unheeded and ninety-one lives were lost. The British carried out mass arrests and the fighting intensified with the British authorities resorting to public floggings, deportations, arrests and hangings. When the British hung three Irgun members, the Irgun captured three British soldiers and hung them in retaliation.
Despite the bloodshed, the British authorities were trying to posture themselves as neutral. However, they did not want to appear publicly sympathetic to the Jews in any way and thus anger the Arab nations. The British believed that the Arabs would be victorious in a military confrontation with the Jews because of a superior number of soldiers. If the Arabs did win, the British believed that the former colonial power would still play an important role in Palestine. To achieve this goal, the British aided the Arab militaries and restricted the Jews in every legal way possible with intentional bureaucratic delays and totally ignoring the necessities of the new settlers. When news of the British treatment of the Jewish immigrants spread to Bulgaria, the Varsano family began to develop a certain level of resentment towards the British, even though they weren’t officially enemies.
Arab nations responded to the Partition Plan by persecuting Jewish citizens within their own borders and voting for a military intervention with an Arab Liberation Army. On May 14, 1948, the nation of Israel declared its independence and was invaded by Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria. A cycle of violence began in Palestine that still exists today. The country became divided into war fronts and battle zones. While the battles raged, Isaac and Rachel Varsano were trying to liquidate what little possessions they still had in Bulgaria in order to afford the uncertain Aliyah to the troubled land of Israel.
During the British mandate, the various Jewish military factions were independently operated with often conflicting agendas. The Irgun were determined to use military force to clear the Arabs and the British out of Israel while the Jewish Agency tried to appeal to the world’s political forces to be sympathetic towards the Zionist cause. For the War of Independence to be successful, it was crucial that the separate military factions unify into a cohesive and powerful unit. Two weeks after independence was declared, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), or Zvah Haganah Le Yisrael (Zahal) in Hebrew, was formed by Ben Gurion. The Jewish opposition group Irgun—led by Menachim Begin who had been follower of Jabotinsky and Revisionist Zionism that stressed the need for a strong military—challenged Ben Gurion’s proclamation. Although there was a brief confrontation between the two military units, the common cause of establishing a viable Jewish state trumped any other opposing philosophies and the IDF became the only military power representing the Jewish people. Rather than resort to violent resistance, Begin eventually turned his opposition into the political realm with the formation of the Herut Party, or Freedom Movement while most of the Irgun leaders eventually ended up in the Likud party The Jewish Agency and its followers splinter into other groups that ultimately morphed into the Labor Party. Unfortunately, the Palestinian leaders have yet been unable to make the transition from freedom fighter to legitimate political rulers.
The Haganah, the underground military organization of pre-state Israel and the Palmach, an elite Jewish army unit of post-WWII British Palestine, were replaced by the IDF. By July of 1948, Israel had set up an Air Force, Navy, and Tank Battalion. A couple of years later, Mordecai Varsano would be conscripted into their recently formed ranks. The newly unified IDF acquired most of the weapons from Czechoslovakia and the US black market. Israel received WWII surplus weapons broken down into pieces and shipped separately disguised as official import products such as textile and agricultural machinery.
On November 5, 1948, Isaac, Rachel, Mordecai, and Sarah Varsano boarded a freight train in Sofia and embarked on the long journey to Israel. After an almost 500 year presence in Bulgaria, the Varsano family left the region in as unorthodox manner as they had arrived there so many years ago. They came as victims of the Spanish Inquisition and departed as survivors of fascism and unwilling subjects of communism. From all of their days on the Iberian Peninsula to their last moment in Sofia, they were always outsiders, the Jewish minority. Finally, they were going to live in a country that would fully accept them as a mainstream member of society, but it would be no easy task.
Read More about Isaac-Rachel-Mordecai-Sarah-Varsano Journey to Israel in 1948
After several months of warfare, Israel defeated the invading Arab nations and expanded its borders beyond the UN partition plan. Israel had lost 6,000 lives representing 1% of the total Jewish population. The Arabs suffered far more causalities, but they represented a much smaller percentage of the total Arab population. In February of 1949, Egypt signed an armistice with Israel but refused to recognize it as a nation. Similar agreements followed with Lebanon in March, Transjordan in April, and Syria in July. Iraqi forces simply withdrew and did not sign any agreement.
In early 1949, Isaac Varsano from Sofia would die tragically in a train/truck accident while searching for employment in his new home. 15 year old Mordecai would need to start to start working to support his family so he enrolled in ORT technical school and worked as a machinists. His mother Rachel would also worked and the family struggled to build a new life in the fledging Israeli nation.
At the same time one Varsano family was experiencing great trageady, another Varsano family was making the journey of freedom to their ancestral homeland. The family of Yosef Varsano from Sofia, Bulgaria, immigrated to Israel in 1949 at the age of 50 years old. His sons Nissim Varsano, age 17, and Herzl Varsano, age 12, made Aliyah with their parent. They lived in a Maabara (new immigrants camp) near Pardes Hana and then moved to Ramat Gan. Herzl and his wife were married in 1961 and have lived in Petach Tikva since then. Herzl worked his whole life at El-Al – Israeli airlines – starting as an avionics mechanic and retiring as head of avionics. Herzl has two daughters Tamar Varsano and Yael Varsano, and a son Dror Varsano. Tamar Varsano is mother of a 15 year old, who lives in Ramat Gan and works as a teacher; and Yael Varsano Barzilay, mother to 2 children aged 27 and 25, who lives in Hod Hasharon and works at HR in a bank.
Nissim Varsano had 2 sons – Eitan Maoz, a father of 3, and Ohad Varsano, a father to one.
Moshe, the cheesemaker from Silven and grandfather to Nissim and Herzl, also immigrated to Israel in 1949. His daughter Bucca-Dina Varsano (nee Lilo) was born in Sliven Bulgaria in 1904 and died in Israel in 1963.
Most of the Varsano families that remained in Greece during WWII perished in the Holocaust. The vast majority of the surviving Varsano families from Europe in WWII were from Bulgaria and particularly Sofia. Some Varsano families originated from Varna, Haskova, and other Bulgarian towns. Not much is known about their exodus to Israel, but the assumption is that they followed a similar path as the family of Isaac, Rachel, Mordecai, and Sarah Varsano.
According to various disjointed public records, the majority of the surviving European members of the extended Varsano family immigrated to Israel during this time period. The family of Itschak, Rachel, Daniel (Danny) Varsano and his sister moved from Izmir, Turkey to the Tel Aviv area of Israel.
Ester Varsano was born in Egypt in 1908 and died in Beer Ya’akov, Israel in 1956. She married Moshe Gabbay who was born in Alexandria, Egypt. They had a son named Shlomo nicknamed “Muni,” who was born in 1936 and a daughter named Sharina born in 1946 in Alexandria. The family presumably made Aliyah in the early 1950s when the Arab governments ethnically cleansed their countries of essentially all Jews. Arab nations deported their Jewish citizens and pledged to destroy Israel which would thereby allow all their refugees to return.
From 1948 to 1952, the immigration of 300,000 Sephardic immigrants changed the ethnic make up of the mostly European and Ashkenazi Israeli populace. The small country was inundated with usually educated Iraqis and Egyptians, as well as impoverished Iranians, Yemenites, Turks, and others.
Israeli Immigration records lists Rachel Varsano born in 1907 and arriving in Haifa from Egypt on August 7, 1950. She was accompanied by her mother Sarah and her uncle on the ship Naga.
Various branches of the Varsano family tree settled in Israel and have stayed for several generations. Some have emigrated to other countries, but usually not their country of residence prior to moving to Israel. Several Varsano families remain in Israel and continue build up the nation and contribute to the Zionist vision.
Mordecai Varsano met an American woman named Elaine Schneider in front of the Statue of Liberty while visiting North America for the first time. They married in 1965 and two years later, they moved permanently to United States in the Los Angeles area. Mordecai’s mother Rachel and his sister Sara (Seli) remained in the Tel Aviv area of Israel. Mordecai and Elaine Varsano had one child named Jonathan Varsano, who was born in 1970.
Israel Varsano, MD graduated from the Tel Aviv University dental school in 1997 at the top of his class.
Dr. Varsano is a member of many international associations, and has undergone special training and advanced programs in the fields of implants, aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, as well as laser and oral restoration. Dr. Varsano is the inventor of TAI (Tooth Analogue Implant) and has a granted patent in the field of instant implants.
Dr. Varsano is also the official dentist of the Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team. Dr. Varsano operates the Varsano Clinic in Tel Aviv.
Jaron Varsano was born in June 28, 1975 in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, but moved to Israel. Yaron is a real estate developer and a film producer. In 2006, Yaron met actress Gal Gadot and the couple was married on September 28, 2008. Yaron and his brother Guy Varsano own a substantial real estate company in Tel Aviv. In 2001 Their father Daniel Varsano has been described in various media outlets as a “Dutch Hotelier,” and in 2001 he purchased the historic Cherlouch House in Tel Aviv for approximately $4 Million. In 2006, the Varsano family sold the Cherlouch House for approximately $16 Million to Marius Nacht. Their flagship property was the Varsano Hotel in the Neve Tzedek District of Tel Aviv. The Varsano Hotel was sold to billionaire Roman Abramovich in 2015 for $28 Million.
Yaron and Gal Gadot-Varsano formed a production company called “Pilot Wave.” The couple split their time between California and Tel Aviv. They have four daughters: Alma Varsano born in 2011, Maya Varsano born in 2017, Daniella Varsano born in 2021, and Ori Varsano born in 2024. Yaron and Gal are currently the most famous Varsano’s in history.